Thursday, October 6, 2011


Have you ever had the PLEASURE of using an OUTHOUSE for emergency reasons?

It's the kind of bathroom typically found at a campground or a public park without plumbing or a septic system. It's a small SMELLY building that sits over a pit where bacteria breaks down the waste. Anyway, they are very GROSS and the LAST thing you want to do is TOUCH the potty rim - when going potty. ICK!!

This is WHY it is very important to strengthen your LEG MUSCLES by learning how to perform a proper potty squat. With your leg muscles properly trained, you will soon build up enough STRENGTH and STAMINA to hover over any potty rim for as long as needed.

Not only do potty squats work the upper front area of your legs but they also hit the glutes, hamstrings, abdominals and lower back muscles. Potty squats can also aid in adding LEAN muscle over the WHOLE of your body. Yes, it is your legs performing the actual movements but the rest of the body tenses in order to provide a solid base upon which to perform the squat.

  • Enter the outhouse with EXTREME caution and full ALERTNESS.
  • Don't look down the potty hole because you will NOT like what you SEE ICK!!!
  • Stand with your back facing the potty and with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  • Ensure natural curvature remains in the lower back, spine and neck.
  • Tense your core muscles.
  • Slowly bend your knees as if sitting into a chair but whatever you do - "DO NOT" touch the rim of the potty. ICK!!
  • As you lower down, push your hips back - so your knees do not extend past your toes.
  • Maintain your BALANCE and natural weight distribution.
  • The exercise should be fluid and not jerky.
  • As your thighs become approximately parallel to the floor - slightly HOVER over the potty rim WITHOUT touching bum to rim.
For more information contact me at or call me at 530-906-1990 to either schedule an appointment for a health and wellness assessment or a 1 hour support call to assist you in creating a healthier lifestyle!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


This past year has been pretty challenging, to say the least, for my hubby and I as we have undergone a major transition in the event of this economical downturn.  I’m whinning!!

My hubby LOST his job, we LOST a ton of money, we gave up our house, we LOST our cat, we LOST our dog and we LOST our favorite tomato plant!!  Can you say Victim! 

This is a TRUE story by the way… 

So I started asking myself, “Why do I CONTINUE to write words of health, positive encouragement and well-being when I feel like doo doo!!”   Now I am a crying whinning victim… 

Maybe I’ll just throw in the towel, eat junk food and sit around all day being A BAD, MAD, BLUE and BITTER Wild Woman!  Now I've got my panties in a bunch...

Has your life ever gone this way?  One minute your tomato plant is FLOURISHING and the next moment, it’s all WITHERED and droopy?  Now I'm looking for you to relate to my tragedy...

So WHAT DO you DO when your world comes “CRASHING” down on you and takes your only tomato plant?  Now I’m in solution mode…. 


A.   Go directly to my website at and download a FREE copy of “The Livings Key Principles – A Guide for Creating Wholeness Peace And Health From The Inside Out!”  

B. CALL me at 911- 530-906-1990 to schedule an appointment for a health and wellness assessment or a coaching guidance call. 

C. REBUILD your LIFE by planting a NEW seed!

So let me tell you the REST of my STORY as it stand now….. 

My hubby has found a new job (a better one), we bought a new house (a cuter one), we are rebuilding our financial stability (a stronger one) and our NEW tomato plant is HEALTHIER than EVER!!!

Healthy Blessings!  

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Is Having A Belly Pooch Good or Bad?

Well, that all depends on how you look at it! 

I know a few belly dancers that have lots of jiggly-wiggly around their waistlines and I think it's beautiful! They are proud of their jiggly-wiggly and this is why they show it off! They love and appreciate their bodies and so they dance, celebrate and honor their belly pooch with pride and passion.  

WOW what a concept!!! 

I admire these women because it says to me that it is OK for us women to have some belly pooch around our waistline. Belly pooch is NATURAL, lovely and luscious as long as it's not taken to a point where it compromises our health and well-being.  


You will know when your healthy luscious belly pooch turns into an unhealthy bulging belly pot when you no longer have the energy to dance anymore and you become unhappy, tired and grouchy and no one wants to be around you anymore.  


The reason why our healthy luscious belly pooch turns into an unhealthy bulging belly pot is because when we get overly STRESSED OUT our hormones become all WHACKED out!! 


Our bodies start to produce a hormone called CORTISOL (a fat storing hormone) which leads to an unhealthy bulging belly pot. 

When we begin to see that our healthy luscious belly pooch is GROWING rapidly, we FREAK out and then we STARVE ourselves to death thinking that this will solve the problem.  

This is a really BAD idea because this also leads to increased belly pooch!!  


YES - Really!!  

The reason for this is because cutting down on too many calories causes your body to become NUTRIENT DEFICIENT.  

This, in turn, causes the production of the hunger hormone GHRELIN to increase and therefore turns you into a Ravenous- Wicked- Wild -Woman! (RWWW) 


When this happens, your body sends a really STRONG hunger signal to your BRAIN which you won't be able to control and therefore causes you to OVER EAT which will INCREASE your calorie intake and increases your belly fat even more!!! 


  • Love and accept your luscious belly pooch for being beautiful and natural. Dance, celebrate and honor your fullness and your womanhood with pride and passion.
  • Take some time out for YOU each day to quiet your mind and relax your body. Don't let stress consume you. If people BUG you - tell them to GO AWAY but smile and be nice about it - don't burn any bridges - you may need to borrow some money from them down the road! You never know - times are tough these days!!
  • Be sure to exercise your luscious belly pooch a little bit each day so that it remains strong, beautiful and supple.
  • Eat for your HEALTH. Eat whole live nutrient dense foods (fruits, vegetables, grains) grown straight from the earth. Processed foods cause mineral deficiencies and all kinds of YUCKY imbalances that lead your body to retain water. Also known as "water-belly."
These foods are also addictive and mess with your brain chemicals also known   as neurotransmitters. Not only that but chemically engineered highly processed foods cause our bodies to accumulate harmful toxic waste.  

Eewww - YUCK!! 

This causes us to have inconsistent (poo- poo) bowel movements. This in turn increases the amount of toxic waste that is accumulated in and around our belly.  

I don't know about you but I DON'T want any toxic waste inside my luscious belly pooch.  


Below are a few exercises for toning up your belly pooch by keeping it strong and supple

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One of the most frequent questions that I get asked from women ALL OVER THE COUNTRY is: 

"How do I get rid of the FLAB on the back side of my upper arms?"

The area of the arm that these women are referring to is the TRICEP area.

Triceps means ''three-headed muscle'' and they are located down the back of your upper arm between your shoulder and your elbow.

The triceps are FLABBY in most women for TWO reasons. We don't use them very often and a woman's skin behind her arms is thinner than in other parts of the body. It is also a site of fat storage.  

In order to get rid of the FLAB, you first have to LOVE yourself enough to ACCEPT every single flabby-inch of yourself.

If you could instead accept your arm F.L.A.B as being; 


Then you wouldn't want to get rid of it would you?

If you saw your arm flab in this way, you would be PROUD of it and you would be BRAGGING about it to all of your girlfriends. 

You would also be INSPIRED to wave at every person you met -- just to show it off!!! 

You would YELL out loud ... 

"Woooohoooo - Look at me and my Fabulous, Luscious, Attractive and Beautiful Arm Flab!!!" 

All I'm saying is that once you begin to love yourself, and I mean, every single IMPERFECT flabby-inch of yourself then you become less JUDGEMENTAL and more FORGIVING!  

Trust Me - Your body is INTELLIGENT enough to know excatly how you FEEL about it. 

If your attention is FOCUSED on all the things that you dislike about it -- how do you think that makes your body feel?  

With this ATTITUDE do you really think that your body will want to SUPPORT you in creating the triceps of your dreams? 

Absolutely NOT!!

Wouldn't it therefor be much more advantageous to make FRIENDS with your body by loving it enough to give it the gift of health and acceptance? 

In taking this approach you are working "with" your body instead of against it.

In order to tone up - you "first" have to give your body the gift of health and acceptance in the following ways: 

  • Eat fresh whole foods grown straight from the earth.
  • Appreciate your body for the many ways that it serves you here on earth.
  • Speak kindly to your body because it hears absolutely everything you say about it!
  • Stay properly hydrated by drinking plenty of fresh water and eat foods that protect and restore your cell membranes.
  • Get plenty of rest so that your body can function optimally.
  • Move your body every single day in ways that keep your heart, bones and muscles strong, pliable and flexible. 
Below are a few exercises for toning up your tricep muscles but remember to love and accept every single flabby-inch of yourself "first" or your body simply won't respond.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Two Biggest Excuses Not To Exercise

I Don't Have The Time or The Energy to Exercise!! 

If you can’t fathom doing any physical exercise because your either too busy or too tired, you’re among the millions of people who struggle to schedule regular physical activity into their busy lives. Not having the time or energy are the two biggest excuses I hear from people for not moving their body. 

The secret is to find what you love to do and make that a priority in your list of tasks for the week. Whatever you do - Don’t force yourself to engage in activities that you despise or bore you to death. Yoga and/or running are not for everyone.  

Keep in mind that exercise is invigorating. As soon as you get your blood flowing, those feelings of “I’m too tired” usually fade away as endorphins (little energy boosters) begin to take over your body. 

If you don’t have time, try moving your workouts to the morning, when the day’s events haven’t kicked in yet. The first five minutes are the hardest, but once you get over the hump, the body takes over. And if you do find yourself chronically tired, then stop to ask yourself WHY.  

Chronic exhaustion is not a sign of good health. You would do well to examine your lifestyle, priorities, and attempt to reduce your stress load.

Friday, July 8, 2011


I am honored to be a guest speaker in the "Your Path to Succuss Telesummit 7" and I invite you to join me! It's an opportunity to gain direct access to 12 celebrated transformational experts!

The Your Path to Success Summer Telesumit 7: Be T he Inspiration is the event designed to truly move you forward in your path to creating a successful and joy filled life.  This FR*EE telesummit is July 19 – July 2011 and will be an experience that you can have without leaving your house and free to listen to at your convenience.  Top experts will help you to discover, create and live your OWN path to success!  

During the telesummit, you will hear from celebrated transformational experts. 

*Success Experts
*Learn from Thought Leaders
*Listen to Global Experts

12 Success Experts

 You will be:
*Learning from Thought Leaders
*Listening to Global Experts
*Getting Superb Personal Leadership Tips
*Finding out How to Balance it All
*Using both Spiritual and Practical Techniques
*Enhancing Your Physical Health
*Flexing Your Mental Muscles
*Becoming Inspired

Plus, for the first time every, host Sheri Kaye Hoff is giving away the mp3's for this event for free.

To learn more about the expert presenters and to sign up for this FREE event Click here

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lords Prayer: Palms 23 Explained


Lords Prayer: Palms 23 Explained

The Lord is my Shepherd

That's Relationship!

I shall not want

That's Supply!

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.

That's Rest!

He leadeth me beside the still waters.

That's Refreshment!

He restoreth my soul

That's Healing!

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness

That's Guidance!

For His name sake

That's Purpose!

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

That's Testing!

I will fear no evil.

That's Protection!

For thou art with me

That's Faithfulness!

Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me,

That's Discipline!

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

That's Hope!

Thou anointest my head with oil,

That's Consecration!

My cup runneth over.

That's Abundance!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.

That's Blessing!

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord.

That's Security!


That's Eternity!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do Your Sit-Ups

Perform a certain number of sit-ups every day, or at least every other day. It's okay if your muscles are not strong enough to do many at first. Just gradually increase them. Focus on your sit-ups as an exercise in building perseverance and character. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dear Spring

Dear Spring,

I miss your blooms and buds - the tiny tips of crocuses peeking through the earth, yellow, purple and white.

My senses are stimulated - I bathe in your translucent energy of light - I restore balance, replenish my strength and fuel my creativity.

Your tender touch, so gentle and warm unveils my nakedness like a soft blanket lifting from the cold. I can feel your warmth wash over me like a shower of fresh rain as I become new again.

The dance of spring is liquid and enticing like the sea, fluid and ungraspable. I'm drawn to the sweetness of your fruit as it becomes heavy and ripe on the vine.

I drink from your succulent nectar as it flows through me and replenishes my soul.

Each year, I fall madly, deeply and passionately in love with you all over again!

I wait patiently for your return...



Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Give your partner the freedom to follow his or her path. Open your heart and set the person free. Grow side by side.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Your life is like a sailboat, and you are the captain. The captain cannot control the weather, the strength of the wind, or the condition of the sea.  All he or she can do is deal--to the best of his or her ability--with the weather, the wind, and the sea, and keep moving forward.