Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One of the most frequent questions that I get asked from women ALL OVER THE COUNTRY is: 

"How do I get rid of the FLAB on the back side of my upper arms?"

The area of the arm that these women are referring to is the TRICEP area.

Triceps means ''three-headed muscle'' and they are located down the back of your upper arm between your shoulder and your elbow.

The triceps are FLABBY in most women for TWO reasons. We don't use them very often and a woman's skin behind her arms is thinner than in other parts of the body. It is also a site of fat storage.  

In order to get rid of the FLAB, you first have to LOVE yourself enough to ACCEPT every single flabby-inch of yourself.

If you could instead accept your arm F.L.A.B as being; 


Then you wouldn't want to get rid of it would you?

If you saw your arm flab in this way, you would be PROUD of it and you would be BRAGGING about it to all of your girlfriends. 

You would also be INSPIRED to wave at every person you met -- just to show it off!!! 

You would YELL out loud ... 

"Woooohoooo - Look at me and my Fabulous, Luscious, Attractive and Beautiful Arm Flab!!!" 

All I'm saying is that once you begin to love yourself, and I mean, every single IMPERFECT flabby-inch of yourself then you become less JUDGEMENTAL and more FORGIVING!  

Trust Me - Your body is INTELLIGENT enough to know excatly how you FEEL about it. 

If your attention is FOCUSED on all the things that you dislike about it -- how do you think that makes your body feel?  

With this ATTITUDE do you really think that your body will want to SUPPORT you in creating the triceps of your dreams? 

Absolutely NOT!!

Wouldn't it therefor be much more advantageous to make FRIENDS with your body by loving it enough to give it the gift of health and acceptance? 

In taking this approach you are working "with" your body instead of against it.

In order to tone up - you "first" have to give your body the gift of health and acceptance in the following ways: 

  • Eat fresh whole foods grown straight from the earth.
  • Appreciate your body for the many ways that it serves you here on earth.
  • Speak kindly to your body because it hears absolutely everything you say about it!
  • Stay properly hydrated by drinking plenty of fresh water and eat foods that protect and restore your cell membranes.
  • Get plenty of rest so that your body can function optimally.
  • Move your body every single day in ways that keep your heart, bones and muscles strong, pliable and flexible. 
Below are a few exercises for toning up your tricep muscles but remember to love and accept every single flabby-inch of yourself "first" or your body simply won't respond. 
