Friday, October 29, 2010

Answers to Some Very Deep Questions

1. Why do some people have commitment issues? 2.What are you currently doing to feed your soul on a daily basis? 3. What makes a good marriage work? 4. Do you celebrate the small victories in life. Or do you put the focus on all your failures from the past? 5. Are you connected to your inner child? 6. Are you paralyzed by fear & indecision? Please make a video & answer these powerful questions.


  1. Beautiful Gena,

    Thank you for sharing your answers on your video blog. Your words are always so inpiring.
    Sending you love and light

  2. Great message! Love the video's...keep up the good work

  3. Hi Gena

    Great wisdom. You are the inspiration. Thank you for sharing! Sending you love and light.
