Friday, May 21, 2010

Focus On Your Well-Being

Change your relationship with food.
Focusing on well-being starts with changing your relationship with food. Food is fuel for active living. Do not strive for a number on the scale but for a weight at which you feel strong and energetic. Ask yourself if your diet contributes - or takes away from - your health and ENERGY LEVELS.
When food becomes a tool for active living, and exercise becomes a tool for increased strength, your body becomes a tool for your mind. Suddenly, your body has the endurance and power to do what the mind wills.
Change your relationship with exercise.

Regular exercise creates power and endurance, which can help you enjoy more activities for a LIFETIME. Find an exercise you ENJOY. If you hate running, don't run. If you hate the gym, don't spend your time there. Instead, experiment with exercises you've never tried before. Is there an exercise or an exercise program that makes you feel physically empowered, grounded and centered? Then do THAT and be "CONSISTENT!" 
Befriend your body, and ask yourself how you want to spend your life energy. Imagine for a moment that you took all that time you spend thinking about "appearance" and focused on how much you love your ability to communicate well, or what a great mom you are, or ways to solve the issue of homelessness. If you took all that ENERGY and used it for GOOD, not only would your life improve, but the world around you as a whole would improve, as well.

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