Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Are You Allergic to Working Out?

Wouldn't it be great if you could be allergic to working out?

Then you wouldn't have to admit to friends, loved ones, and co-workers that you simply hate to exercise. Saying your throat swells up or you break out in hives might be easier than enduring the disapproving looks that you fear might come with confessing the truth!

Rethink your definition of exercise. Think of it as movement, any movement—not necessarily something that you have to do in a gym or at a track. Gardening is exercise; so are walking the dog, playing tag with your kids, strolling through the woods picking blackberries. If you've been unsuccessful at sticking with a traditional program before, simply focusing on moving more in these ways may not only help you burn calories now but also prepare you mentally and physically for other activities in the future.


  1. Dear Gena,

    What an excellent idea! It is, really, like trying to conving a child about something they must do. What I found is that our body often has a "mind of it's own", and it is a lot as the mind of a child! Instead of trying to force it to do things we want the body to do, maybe we can convince it in an intelligent way! This tip of yours is excellent!


    Maria Carmo

  2. That is such a “GREAT” point that you brought forward Maria! Exercise to most of us adults is like trying to convince a child about something they “MUST” do instead of something that they “WANT” to do. No one at any age likes to be forced into doing anything because that just takes all the fun and enjoyment right out of it.

    Our bodies are designed to "MOVE" in order to promote good health and foster high energy levels. It’s not necessarily the amount or the rigorous intensity of exercise that we perform each day, it’s simply the idea that we “Move” (each day) in order to feel good and “maintain” healthy lifestyle patterns. The type of exercise is up to the individual and what they consider to be enjoyable for their particular lifestyle. This could be taking daily walks in nature or running marathons – it just depends on the individuals preference so that they will enjoy it and therefore "stay" with it. The most important thing of all is that we keep moving our bodies, eating healthfully and maintaining a Positive Attitude. These elements keep us in Balance and in Harmony with all of Life.

    Thank you Maria for your comment– I appreciate you so much!!

    In Love,In Health And In Appreciation - Gena

  3. I love the concept of think of it as movement.
