Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Self Talk

Thoughts play a critical role in determining your emotional responses to events. Your thoughts about yourself have a direct impact on your feelings and behavior. Increasing the amount of positive self-talk can improve your exercise program-and your life in general. Whenever you think about something, you are, in essence, talking to yourself. Self-talk serves as the vehicle for making perceptions and beliefs conscious.

Negative self-talk increases stress. Positive self-talk helps you calm down and control stress: For example: 

         Negative                                 Positive
   "I can't do this."                     "I'll do the best I can."
   "I hate it when this happens."   "I know how to deal with this; I've done it before."
   "Everything is going wrong."     "I can handle things if I take one step at time."

To help you feel better, practice positive self-talk EVERY DAY - in the car, at your desk, before you go to bed or whenever you notice negative thoughts.  Remember: Positive self-talk helps you relieve stress and deal with the situations that cause you stress.


  1. I LOVE this POST G! I am a firm believer that our thoughts determine the outcome of our lives!

    Brenda Horton

  2. Gena

    I enjoyed reading your post. I have learned how important self talk truly is. Positive self talk is a first step for everybody to feel better which allows you to give more to others.

    Thank you for sharing. Keep smiling!
    The Option Girl
