As a Personal Health and Fitness Coach part of my commitment to clients is consulting with them. This includes answering their many fitness and health related questions. Needless to say, I get asked a lot of questions. And, there are several questions that seem to be on almost everyone’s minds. So for the next 8 weeks, I'm going to give the answers to the Top 8 inquiries that I've received. I'm going to address 1 question each week. If you have questions, please feel free to comment on my Post. I'd love to hear from you and address your questions.
Question #5: Is it bad for your body to workout some of the same muscle groups daily?
Answer: Typically you should allow your muscle to rest about 24- 48 hours before working it again. This is the safest approach and also the most efficient approach for improving strength. It will help you increase hypertrophy more effectively.