Friday, April 10, 2009
Life Is Like A Rainbow
The best way to exercise and strengthen your new perspective is to "reverse" your position. This helps to create balance between your inner and outer life.
When you've been inside all day, go outside and take a walk in nature. This will elevate your mood, enhance your concentration and problem solving abilities. Walking will also provide you with a cardiovascular boost.
When you're feeling unattractive, create an environment for yourself that makes you feel beautiful. Allow yourself to see that beauty surrounds you at every moment and you will feel that same beauty covering you like a blanket.
When sitting behind a desk all day, stand up and stretch your limbs. Stretching increases the blood flow to your muscles, brings them nourishment and gets rid of waste byproducts in the muscle tissue.
When surrounded by people all day, take time out for yourself and be still. Being still has profound healing properties. Your heart rate and breathing slow down, your blood pressure normalizes and you use oxygen more efficiently. Your adrenal glands produce less cortisol, your mind ages at a slower rate, and your immune function improves. Your mind also clears and your creativity increases.
When feeling stressed, allow yourself to feel relief by releasing fatigue and anxiety through moderate exercise. When you feel calm, you lose the need to feel agitated or wrapped up in daily drama.
A Positive Exercise Workout
My mom has since passed - left her physical form (has taken off her coat) but her spirit, her breath, continues .....may these messages serve you well.
While healthy food, plenty of rest and exercise sustains the functioning of our physical body, spiritual conditioning is also essential to nurture and lift us beyond our physical form. This begins by being grateful for all things and maintaining a
positive outlook.
The Positive Exercise Workout:
Choose to be happy.
Look at the bright side of life.
Learn to master your thoughts.
Love who you are, right now.
Give until it hurts and then give some more.
Smile at everyone, even if they don't smile back.
Read quotes and affirmations that inspire and motivate you everyday.
Focus on the things that you are grateful for.
Focus on the positive qualities of someone you dislike.
Watch movies and listen to music that makes you happy.
Engage yourself in physical activity.
Visualize what you want to happen.
Associate yourself with people who think positively. Take a walk in nature.
Are You Suffering From Headaches, Insomnia or Heart Burn?
Instead, delight in the sweetness of fresh succulent fruit and organically grown vegitables. Enjoy a quiet sunset walk while basking in the radiant glow of the vibrant fall foliage. Turn off the TV and turn on some soft relaxing music with candlelight and the fragrance of chamomile. This is a "natural" sedative and salve for the heart and soul.
Be Well - Think Well - Live Well!
Are You Losing Weight For All The Right Reasons?
The human heart can only be fulfilled through Love. We first have to consciously choose to embrace and experience the peace and joy within by shifting our behavior and attitudes to a place of well-being by appreciating and loving ourselves first. It is in this place that we will successfully lose the extra weight and keep it off forever!
The Meditation Of Daily Life Is To Let The World Become Your Objest of Attention
The purpose of our lives is to give birth to the best which is within us. "The first step towards loveis to be present and listen with your full attention"
What You Eat Can Effect Your Moods
Ultimately you are the final authority over how you feed your body, and you have to find what works best for you. Favor experimentation over rigid rules; diet involves lifelong learning and practice. The same applies to the arena of exercise.
To Transform Your Life Begin With One Foot In The Door
The key to change is keeping it simple: A little bit of something is better than a lot of nothing. You are more likely to do and continue doing, what is convenient and simple.
If you don't exercise every day but would like to start, then get up tomorow morning and remember to do one jumping jack; then the next morning do another jumping jack; and then the next morning and then the next. That one jumping jack every day is a profound step in the right direction, because it gets your foot in the door--you are forming the habit of dedicating a portion of your day, no matter how small, to exercise. The following month you may decide to trade in your daily jumping jack for a brisk walk around the block or two minutes of free-form movement and deep breathing. To Transform your life, begin simply, begin each day by being "Thankful", its a small little foot in the door.
Ask Yourself These 3 Questions
- Are you eating well?
- Are you exercising regularly?
- Are you getting enough rest?
These three elements taken together, balance your body and generate vitalitythat enables you to meet the challenges of everyday life. It is not enough to know about or merely appreciate these three elements of a healthy lifestyle. For you to benefit from them, (diet, exercise and rest) they must become absolute priorities. Unless you make your health more important than your work, your money, or watching television, you will always find something more pressing to do instead. Each day you choose whether to make a nutritious meal at home or get some fast food, whether to get up early to exercise or sleep in because you stayed up too late watching television. And let's face it, it's much easier to watch television, sleep in, skip exercise, and grab some fast food. But ask yourself, "When I look into my full-length mirror, what do I see?" You see your living habits reflected back to you. So don't wait until you have time- make time.
Relax And Breathe
So if breathing is the key to longevity then relaxation is the key to abundant energy. Relaxation is one of the most important life skills you can learn because the ability to relax enhances your strength, elasticity, grace, coordination, reflex, speed, sensitivity, sensuality, awareness, balance, peripheral blood circulation, breathing, and overall sense of well-being.
To improve the overall quality of your life just remember to breathe deeply and relax as much as possible in "everything" you do.
Peaceful Living
Peace is the natural state. As human beings we often undermine the natural state of peace by letting our ego's careen out of control. For left to its own, the ego creates a powerful force of our being eager to prove we are right - an action that time and time again creates stress and conflict. Chief among the destructors of peace is our ego and its need to be right. Let go of the need to always be right. As Dr. Wayne Dyer is fond of saying "when the choice is to be right, or to be at peace, always "choose peace."
As you focus more on being at peace, you are likely to discover a new purpose for life. Perhaps you will even discover your calling. When you do discover your calling, you will achieve even more peace when you align your activities with your calling.
R.I.C.E. For Sprains And Strains
Four Healthy Lifestyle Tips
2. Find time for yourself, alone, every day. Even if it's just 10 minutes in the bathtub or 20 minutes walking or working out at the gym or with a friend. Spend the time in constructive ways such as meditating, listening to soothing music or just enjoying nature.
3. Don't try and keep up with the Jones'. Seeking material things is healthy until it becomes more important than human things such as sharing time with loved ones, enjoying a sunset or catching some rays at the beach. Find work you love and do it with a happy heart.
4. Build a network of trusted friends with whom you can share ideas, joys and sorrows. Remember to give as well as to receive.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Trans Fatty Acids
Mental Health
1. Do something nice for someone and don't tell anyone about it.
2. Smile at a stranger.
3. Lend a hand to someone who needs it.
4. Compliment somebody and really mean it.
5. Visit a sick friend.
6. Send a thank you note to someone who has done something for you, either recently or long ago.
7. Forgive an enemy
Move More
Don't Cut Too Many Calories Too Fast!
To take off one pound per week, you'll need to reduce calories by 500 per day. (one pound of body fat equals about 3,500 calories.) Try eating 250 calories less per day and exercising enough to burn 250 calories, like walking about 2.5 miles each day. The easiest way to cut back on calories is to watch your portion sizes.