Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Until you are able to see that all of your experiences are a direct consequence of all your choices, you will continue to think that your experiences are just or unjust -- good or bad. You will feel that your life is spinning out of control and that you are the VICTIM of your circumstances. Once you begin to make the conscious connection between your CHOICES and your experiences, you will then begin to realize that you DON'T have to create the same painful experiences over and over again. When you choose DIFFERENTLY, you CREATE a different reality and this is what makes you a conscious creator over your life experience.

When you assume RESPONSIBILITY for your health and well-being, through your conscious choices, your life becomes MEANINGFUL. Responsible choice is the healing dynamic that removes your FEARS from having power over you. Responsibility is not a burden you must carry, but a doorway to your personal freedom and your BEST life.

An Exercise In Responsible Choice:

1. Before you act or speak, become aware of your intentions (motives).
2. Consider all the possible consequences of each of your intentions.
3. CHOOSE the intention that will create the consequences you desire.
4. Observe how your experiences CHANGE.