Saturday, September 24, 2011


This past year has been pretty challenging, to say the least, for my hubby and I as we have undergone a major transition in the event of this economical downturn.  I’m whinning!!

My hubby LOST his job, we LOST a ton of money, we gave up our house, we LOST our cat, we LOST our dog and we LOST our favorite tomato plant!!  Can you say Victim! 

This is a TRUE story by the way… 

So I started asking myself, “Why do I CONTINUE to write words of health, positive encouragement and well-being when I feel like doo doo!!”   Now I am a crying whinning victim… 

Maybe I’ll just throw in the towel, eat junk food and sit around all day being A BAD, MAD, BLUE and BITTER Wild Woman!  Now I've got my panties in a bunch...

Has your life ever gone this way?  One minute your tomato plant is FLOURISHING and the next moment, it’s all WITHERED and droopy?  Now I'm looking for you to relate to my tragedy...

So WHAT DO you DO when your world comes “CRASHING” down on you and takes your only tomato plant?  Now I’m in solution mode…. 


A.   Go directly to my website at and download a FREE copy of “The Livings Key Principles – A Guide for Creating Wholeness Peace And Health From The Inside Out!”  

B. CALL me at 911- 530-906-1990 to schedule an appointment for a health and wellness assessment or a coaching guidance call. 

C. REBUILD your LIFE by planting a NEW seed!

So let me tell you the REST of my STORY as it stand now….. 

My hubby has found a new job (a better one), we bought a new house (a cuter one), we are rebuilding our financial stability (a stronger one) and our NEW tomato plant is HEALTHIER than EVER!!!

Healthy Blessings!  


  1. I LOVE this post. You inspire me lady! Expect a call from me soon!

  2. Gena

    An amazing story that goes with one amazing lady.

    YOU are an inspiration!
    Wishing you and your family health, wealth and happiness.
    Sending you Love and Light
