Do you make decisions based on Logic- what you think you should do vs. Intuition - what you know you should do?
I do it all the time and it really ticks me off!! I have this huge habit of not listening to my intuition if it's telling me to do something that's difficult, socially unacceptable or takes me out of my comfort zone! This typically occurs if I'm feeling afraid of failure, heartbreak or rejection. When I don't listen to my gut, I always pay the price in the way my body feels. I'm left carrying around unwanted emotions, which causes me a great deal of pain, sadness, frustration and discomfort!
So one of the best ways to tell if you're following your intuition is by paying attention to how you feel. There will be a surge of relief and adrenaline when you are listening to your gut. You'll see the light, the sky will open up and you'll even breathe easier. Trust me you'll just know when you are listening because you'll feel more alive, free in your spirit and stronger inside because you'll finally be taking your own advice. If you second guess yourself, and go back to what's comfortable, you'll feel confused, fearful and sad. But intuition is a funny thing, it's persistent and it won't stop tugging at you until you learn to pay attention.
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