The connection between sleep and weight loss may seem far fetched until you realize that lack of sleep slows your metabolism and at the same time increases your appetite. Inadequate sleep lowers the levels of leptin, the hormone that tells you you're full, and increases the levels of ghrelin, the hormone that makes you feel hungry (Yes, you know what I mean - those late night refrigerator visits).
Lack of sleep also lowers the level of human growth hormone (HGH). Lack of HGH makes it harder to build and maintain muscle mass. And as we all know, muscle is one of the best ways to burn fat. So the lack of HGH means less muscle and more weight gain. So get your rest!
Tips for getting a good nights rest:
Avoid before bed snacks, especially sugar.
No TV right before bed.
Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 70 degrees.
Eat a high protein snack two hours before bed.
Avoid caffeine and other stimulants within a few hours of bed.
Take a hot bath, shower or sauna before bed.
Keep a regular bed time.
Get daily exercise
That is a connections I would never have made. Interesting.