Monday, August 3, 2009

Overcoming Exercise Excuses

You've told yourself dozens of times that tomorrow you are going to start exercising. Yet, tomorrow has come and gone, and you still haven't starting moving. So, what's holding you back? What excuse seems fitting today? It's time to face your excuses head-on so that you can overcome them and choose to live a healthier lifestyle. Here are two common excuses for skipping exercise along with ways to combat them.

I'm Too Fat (or out-of-shape): Unless your physician has forbidden exercise, then it's very unlikely that this excuse has any validity. If you are extremely out-of-shape, then you simply need to start with baby steps. Walking is always a great place to start. You may have to start with just five minutes. That's okay. You can gradually add more time each week. If walking is not an option, then you could try some pool exercises. At the very least, you can start by getting active while sitting. There are many beneficial strength training exercises you can do while sitting.

I Don't Have Any Exercise Equipment: Nice try, but it doesn't require special equipment to get your heart pumping. Don't underestimate what you can do with things that are already in your house. For example, if you have a flight of stairs in your house then you've got an awesome way to get your heart rate up with through walking or running the stairs. Grab soup cans or milk jugs filled with sand to immolate dumbbells for strength training exercises. Try push-ups and tricep dips and you'll quickly realize how hard your body has to work when just using it's own weight.

When you find yourself making an excuse not to exercise, read through some of the above tips again. And, remind yourself of all the many benefits of working out: lower body fat, decreased risk of many diseases, reduced instances of depression, improved bone density, reduced risk of injuries and many more.

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